Updates for 2010-06-06

  • #oauth seems like a load of bullshit crap thrown up by a drunken bull on heat. !elmdentica #
  • Leadership courses given by the military, probably explains why so many portuguese bosses are complete wankers. #
  • They may be nice people, but not leaders. #
  • Hey, #twitter don’t drop http auth, just forbid it under http and allow it only under https. Don’t be #wankers #
  • And here’s further evidence #oauth is total bullshit: #wankers #
  • @gbraad well, read you from Beijing, then, I guess. Good luck and have a nice journey! #
  • I’ve got a feeling oauth is incompatible with Free Software if you don’t use web apps, otherwise, secrets have to be divulged… #
  • @rejon good journey, be sure to give @gbraad a welcome hug #
  • #oauth consumer_secret + consumer_key == I can pretend to be your app => only web-apps are secure => client apps are not. #twitter #fail #
  • #oauth is a big pile of crap, security wise. If #twitter abandons https basic auth it’s a big #fail #