Updates for 2010-06-27

  • This modsecurity workshop *was* being fun until the moment we get to AdminConsole, which is proprietary and not even usable commercially. #
  • I mean, the license even says it *will* be possible, which by definition isn’t *right*now* . #
  • @jwallorg why not publish AuditConsole as !freesoftware, hms? I’m having a terrible experience right now… #
  • @reality @gbraad and possibly easier to do, in order to get home quickly and do the really interesting stuff ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @nathaniel73 Who said that just because Google is involved something is good? They can make mistakes, too. googlecl uses #oauth insecurely. #
  • @lefty Puh-lease… you’re just grasping at any straws you can get. #
  • @lefty Yeah, just like people copying films in bittorrent nets are terrorists, according to MPAA. You’re over-inflating to suit your hatred. #
  • @lefty If you were not lost in hatred, you’d notice I replied to your allegations towards @rms. #
  • @jwallorg Thank you for the excellent hands on workshop on modsecurity! A big plus plus, overall. Funny and instructive! #
  • @bkuhn I think I will be implementing gag lists in !elmdentica, a bit like your feature request but client based ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @bkuhn: You’re using sarcasm, right? By such reasoning one would better make vows of non expression ๐Ÿ˜‰ #
  • @reality: Oh, the hero. That article conveniently doesn’t point out a persecution behaviour from the critic, as if it was a single act. #
  • In the light of such critics, all humour should be banned, starting with Monty Python’s Life of Brian’s stoning sketch. #
  • @reality I find this google search to be more enlightening towards what @rms thinks of Women’s rights than any fool rant. #
  • @reality oh, sorry if I let you think I did think so, I didn’t mean to imply but rather to give you a good link ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @lefty for philosophers, words *are* actions. Also, your critiques are about his words in a joke. Go flog Monty Python instead. More juice. #
  • @lefty yes, any problem with that? I know of several people who were underage with much older partners. Read the full comment he makes. #
  • @lefty I know society hadn’t any problem with it for far longer than it has had. But you’re just pulling up one fallacy after another. #
  • @lefty That’s non-sequitor with the issue at hand, and whether I have or not a problem doesn’t validate or invalidate anything, so far. #
  • @lefty Non-sequitor conclusions don’t have a point. I’m not really sorry your hate-mongering clouds your reasoning. #
  • @lefty You grasp at straws and inflate them to levels proper of hate mongering. Mere stmt of Fact. Thanks for spelling correcction, though. #
  • @lefty I don’t have to support that fact, you do that pretty well yourself, fortunately. #
  • @lefty your alledged “support” for pedophilia from @rms is not substantiated by searching on his published opinions. Not even “that” link. #
  • @lefty oh, those experts…. I know of a couple of cases (both in their late thirties now) of what one would call voluntary pedophilia. #
  • @lefty well, in *one* comment he say’s he’s not *convinced*. Stretching it to “support” is hate mongering. No less. #
  • @lefty oh, so in your world one only has the right to discuss his opinion when he has a degree in it? Poor sad thing… #
  • @satipera lol, no need. and if something’s stressing me is qemu-native building in openembedded freezing me up… #
  • @lefty how is that related to claiming @rms supports pedophilia? Circular reasoning? #
  • @webmink @bkuhn Come on!… I’ve seen you guys agree in a lot more stuff ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @satipera I would suspect professional trolling but… maybe he’s just a quite disturbed person. #
  • @lefty Well, there’s evidence contrary to your “there’s no such thing”. I personally know two healthy adults who could be poster boys of it. #
  • @lefty I think that’s the problem with your opinion, you equate pedophilia with child rape. Not the same thing. #
  • @webmink I feel your pain (but couldn’t contain myself this time into participating, sorry). @bkuhn asked for a feature about that! #
  • @webmink I will implement that feature in my client, !elmdentica. I miss the old @gag verb from Moos. #
  • @lefty you’re taking an extremist PoV nobody can seriously agree, scientifically. #
  • @tonnerre yes, I agree. But the biological and emotional definition of ready doesn’t equate mathmatically with > 18 years old. #
  • @lefty Neither I nor @rms disputed it. I dispute your claim that @rms supports pedophilia. It’s not supported by any evidence, just straws. #
  • @tonnerre yes. and not so many years ago, it was circa 12 years old (and those stupid pre-arranged, sometimes incestuous, marriages). #
  • @lefty you keep grasping at straws, and extending words to mean what you want, not what they mean. #