Updates for 2010-07-03

  • Nice pun ♺ @gbraad: d*mn, @reality sucks! #
  • #oauth adds absolutely no security for an user of a non-web app but adds a lot of useless hassle for programmers. #twitter is run by idiots. #
  • What U need in order to secure #oauth credentials is what U need to store login+password. Exactly the same. Access that and you’re spoofable #
  • And now that I have finally written an application that can use #oauth, I’m 100% sure of this. #
  • A SIC foi comprada pela IURD para estar a passar o que parece uma lavagem cerebral? #
  • Next in line: write #oauth program called bestbrowser which launches firefox and silently deletes all your google data with googlecl creds. #
  • Feel secure now? #oauth #
  • Hey, #oauth app writers: you better secure your creds with strong ciphers and ask user for password on startup. If you don’t… hmms… #