Updates for 2010-07-20

  • ♺ @rsandu: Dell’s: “WINDOWS OR UBUNTU ?” website !fail Choose !Ubuntu if: “You are interested in open source programming”? #
  • Damn it, again group spam… sorry for adding up to it! 🙁 #
  • Never found him funny either. Bad troll! ♺ @playya: ignore markshuttlecock #
  • @toros any popular distribution is a really good choice for that. New users should really try out !Ubuntu rather than #Windows #dell #fail #
  • @playya: WTF? #
  • @playya: Can you send more details please? #
  • ♺ @jwildeboer: I’d call this a smoking gun: This function is mostly copy pasta from WP (wp-includes/media.php) #thesis #
  • @fabsh: You know why! When you go to a place so expensive you’re ashamed to say you hated it? Think ‘time is money’ plus horrible experience #
  • ♺ @kanarip: In category !not-so-funny: @glynmoody: Putting PressReleases Online? Patented! Lots Of Small Companies Sued #
  • ♺ @smaffulli: no way: Pirate Party launched PirateISP. Get popcorn: you want to watch this movie #
  • ♺ @zoobab: Association of Press Release Distributors, LLC fight against #swpat on publishing press releases on websites #
  • ♺ @jamie_love: ACTA ‘other remedies’ Article in conflict with Sweden Germany Denmark Finland Swiss laws: #
  • ♺ @mgeist: Why Parma Ham May Stand in the Way of ACTA and CETA: a look at the geographical indications issue #
  • Not Invented Here? Mas tb n vejo vntgm ♺ @GabrielfSilva: porque é que o psd votou contra a liberalização dos centros de inspeção automóvel? #
  • hms… ♺ @BreakingNews: FDA panel recommends withdrawal of approval for Avastin to treat breast cancer after disappointing studies – AP #
  • ♺ @glynmoody: Aloha: The HTML5 Editor – free, available under AGPLv3 licence #html5 #editor #agplv3 #
  • The problem with following so many interesting people is you get to spread their words more than writing your own. #
  • Prefiro em #ODF! Normas Abertas FTW! ♺ @GabrielfSilva: onde é que se pode ler a proposta de revisão constitucional do psd? (doc) #
  • @GabrielfSilva: Sim, eu tb quero. Ouvi dizer q metia crime informatico e pela prestacao do Negrao na AR so posso prever asneira monumental! #
  • @joaomiranda: #foodforthought quantas vezes reviram a constituicao dos EUA? #
  • @joaomiranda: Nao. A saude so pode ser gratuita se paga pelo Estado, e aqui entra a frase cliche. E ainda bem. So tenho pena pelas asneiras. #
  • Viva as PayWalls. NOT! ♺ @agranado The Times perde 90% de leitores online: A NOTÍCIA é de um jornal da concorrência #
  • LoL ♺ @wilw: Trying to read a book about Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, but whenever I look for it, it moves. #
  • @jneves: 17 in over two centuries. First ten since the beginning. Each ammendment corresponding to only one further right. #
  • ♺ @PartidoPirataPT: Partido Pirata Português apresenta manifesto: «Internet para todos» #
  • Mas era mm quase isso (na AR) ♺ @GabrielfSilva: @RuiSeabra O Negrão gostava de lá meter o cubano pré-crime certamente 🙂 #
  • E ainda por cima sao contra a #NetNeutrality! ♺ @mind_booster: #Vodafone #FAIL re: #
  • @gj: Mostly from dirty tricks at ACPI level agreed by Bill Gates with hw makers in behind the curtains deals. Thouroughly documented !ubuntu #
  • @GabrielfSilva: Quando muito artigo a artigo, e com 85% dos votos, pelo menos. #
  • ♺ @mind_booster: A format that forces me to have an Internet connection to exercise my rights? No, thanks. re: #
  • ♺ @joaomiranda: Melhor argumento contra a revisão constitucional do PSD: 296 artigos #
  • A minha proposta de constituicao e: traduzam a dos EUA… #
  • Pelo menos sempre ficavamos com o direitos q ‘julgamos’ ter de tanto filme e serie Norte Americana que por ca passa 🙂 #
  • @JMF1957: Ui que datada… e a dos EUA entao? O problema da nossa e’ q e’ de fraca qualidade sem o from, by and for the people. So politico. #
  • @JMF1957: Uma revisao de constituicao deveria ser so coisas serias e cirurgicas, nao os devaneios mentais da moda. #
  • @oscon: Fix your name! ‘Opem’? 🙂 #
  • ♺ @PauloQuerido: A CPR foi revista todos os 4,8 anos desde a sua criação em 1976. Quem consegue afirmar, sem se rir, que está datada? #